1. OncoMark Limited, NovaUCD , Belfield, Dublin, Ireland
2. Department of Histopathology, St Vincent's University Hospital , Dublin, Ireland
3. Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Division of Oncology and Therapeutic Pathology, Lund University , Lund, Sweden
4. Department of Pathology, RCSI Education & Research Centre, Beaumont Hospital , Dublin, Ireland
5. Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, St. James’s Hospital , Dublin, Ireland
6. Department of Pathology, University Medical Centre Utrecht , Utrecht, The Netherlands
7. UCD Clinical Research Centre, St Vincent’s University Hospital , Dublin, Ireland
8. UCD School of Medicine, UCD Conway Institute, University College Dublin , Belfield, Dublin, Ireland
9. Department of Medical Oncology, St Vincent's University Hospital , Dublin, Ireland
10. Department of Genetics, Trinity College Dublin , Dublin, Ireland
11. UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, UCD Conway Institute, University College Dublin , Belfield, Dublin, Ireland