1. James Christie, Some Account of Parish Clerks, London, 1893. This is a most useful and informative book.
2. Van Wylder contributed a polyphonic setting of Pater Noster to the collection of London Mass music in B.M. Add. MSS 17802–5.
3. This description is modernised and adapted from two sources—The Diary of Henry Machyn ed. J. G. Nichols, Camden Society, 1848, and an account from Strype reproduced by Thomas Warton in History of English Poetry (ed. Hazlitt), Vol. III, London, 1871.
4. Reginald R. Sharpe (ed.), Calendar of Letter-Books preserved among the Archives of the Corporation of the City of London, London, 1912, Letter-Book L.
5. Laetitia Lyell, Acts of Court of the Merters Company, 1453–1527. Cambridge, 1936.