1. Laboratory for Silviculture and Forest Ecosystem in Arid- and Semi-Arid Region of State Forestry and Grassland Administration, Beijing Forestry University , Beijing 10083 , China
2. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Silviculture and Conservation, Beijing Forestry University , Beijing 100083 , China
3. Institute of Forest Botany, Dendrology and Geobiocenology, Mendel University in Brno , Zemedelska 3, Brno 61300 , Czech Republic
4. New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Ltd. , Private Bag 4707, Christchurch 8140 , New Zealand
5. New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Ltd., Fitzherbert Science Centre , Palmerston North 4442 , New Zealand
6. College of Life and Environmental Science, Minzu University of China , Beijing 100081 , China