Mendel: From genes to genome


Sussmilch Frances C1ORCID,Ross John J1ORCID,Reid James B1ORCID


1. Discipline of Biological Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, University of Tasmania , Sandy Bay, Tasmania 7005, Australia


Abstract Two hundred years after the birth of Gregor Mendel, it is an appropriate time to reflect on recent developments in the discipline of genetics, particularly advances relating to the prescient friar’s model species, the garden pea (Pisum sativum L.). Mendel’s study of seven characteristics established the laws of segregation and independent assortment. The genes underlying four of Mendel’s loci (A, LE, I, and R) have been characterized at the molecular level for over a decade. However, the three remaining genes, influencing pod color (GP), pod form (V/P), and the position of flowers (FA/FAS), have remained elusive for a variety of reasons, including a lack of detail regarding the loci with which Mendel worked. Here, we discuss potential candidate genes for these characteristics, in light of recent advances in the genetic resources for pea. These advances, including the pea genome sequence and reverse-genetics techniques, have revitalized pea as an excellent model species for physiological–genetic studies. We also discuss the issues that have been raised with Mendel’s results, such as the recent controversy regarding the discrete nature of the characters that Mendel chose and the perceived overly-good fit of his segregations to his hypotheses. We also consider the relevance of these controversies to his lasting contribution. Finally, we discuss the use of Mendel’s classical results to teach and enthuse future generations of geneticists, not only regarding the core principles of the discipline, but also its history and the role of hypothesis testing.


Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Award

Australian Government


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Plant Science,Genetics,Physiology

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