Christians ought to be the people who most support singleness, given what scripture and tradition suggests—but they do not. Despite the fact that almost half of all Americans are single, singleness remains an often-overlooked oddity in American culture and in Christian communities. This book examines a variety of forgotten ways of being single: never-married, casual uncommitted relationships, committed unmarried relationships, same-sex attracted singleness, widowhood, divorce, and single parenting. Each chapter focuses on a different way of being single that draws together cultural commentary and Christian debate. Each chapter also features a holy guide—a person who lived that way of being single—who offers a new perspective on singleness, the church, and what it means to be a single Christian disciple. By considering all these states of single life, perhaps the contemporary church can learn how to be more appreciative and responsive to Christian singleness. A good theology of singleness is crucial for the well-being of Christian community. I argue that, in fact, for much of Christian tradition, Christians have been thinking about singleness in far more diverse ways than contemporary Christians think about singleness. This book therefore provides a starting point for restoring singleness, in all its amazing varieties, to its rightful place in Christian tradition.