Transportation of cull sows-a descriptive study of the clinical condition of cull sows before transportation to slaughter


Fogsgaard Katrine K1,Herskin Mette S1,Thodberg Karen1


1. Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, Tjele, Denmark


Abstract Each year 500.000 sows, equal to 50% of Danish sows, are culled and transported to slaughter. However, the clinical condition, behavior, and welfare of cull sows have received almost no scientific attention. The aim of the current observational study was to describe the clinical condition of cull sows on the day of transportation to slaughter, including examination of possible differences between lactating and nonlactating sows. On the day of transportation, the participating farms were visited by trained technicians who conducted a thorough clinical examination of all sows selected by the farmer for slaughter. Four sows could not be transported because they were unfit according to the European Council Regulation regarding fitness for transportation, and they were not included in the present data. A total of 522 sows, with a median parity of 5 (range: 1–11), from 12 Danish farms were included in the study. Approximately, 10% showed signs of changed gait, and 0.8% were obvious lame. Wounds were observed in 54.6% of the sows, and 11% had decubital shoulder ulcers. Almost 40% of the cull sows were lactating. At culling, the lactating sows were of higher parity than the nonlactating sows, and lactating sows were at higher risk of having deviations from normal on clinical variables related to examination of the udder, such as udder swellings and inflammations. Nonlactating sows had 3.5 times more superficial skin lesions than lactating sows. Our findings warrant for further studies exploring different aspects of the life of cull sows in what is here defined as the The Cull Period, which is the interval from the culling decision is made until the sows are slaughtered


Oxford University Press (OUP)


General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology

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