Occurrence and molecular characterization ofEnterocytozoon bieneusiin wild and domestic animal species in Portugal


Figueiredo Ana M12ORCID,Dashti Alejandro3,Santín Mónica4,Köster Pamela C3,Torres Rita T1,Fonseca Carlos15,Mysterud Atle2,Carvalho João1,Sarmento Pedro6,Neves Nuno6,Hipólito Dário17,Palmeira Josman D1,Teixeira Daniela1,Lima Cátia1,Calero-Bernal Rafael8,Carmena David39ORCID


1. Department of Biology and CESAM, University of Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago , 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal

2. Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, Department of Bioscience, University of Oslo , P.O Box 1066 Blindern, NO-316 Oslo, Norway

3. Parasitology Reference and Research Laboratory, Spanish National Centre for Microbiology , Majadahonda, 28220 Madrid, Spain

4. Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture , Beltsville, MD, USA

5. ForestWISE – Collaborative Laboratory for Integrated Forest & Fire Management, Quinta de Prados , 5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal

6. Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas. Direção Regional do Alentejo. Centro Polivalente da Casa do Lanternim. Rua D. Sancho II , n15 7750-350 Mértola, Portugal

7. Department of Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb , Heinzelova 55, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

8. SALUVET, Animal Health Department, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria s/n , 28040 Madrid, Spain

9. CIBER Infectious Diseases (CIBERINFEC), Health Institute Carlos III , 28029 Madrid, Spain


AbstractThe phylum Microsporidia encompasses a diverse group of obligate, intracellular, and spore-forming organisms able to infect a wide range of animal hosts. Among them, Enterocytozoon bieneusi is the most frequently reported species in humans and animals. Little is known about the presence and epidemiology of E. bieneusi in wildlife. We investigated E. bieneusi occurrence and genetic diversity in wild and domestic mammals, through molecular-detection methods, from different regions across Portugal. A total of 756 samples were collected from 288, 242, and 226 wild carnivores, wild ungulates, and domestic animals, respectively. Overall, eight specimens were E. bieneusi-positive (1.1%, 8/756) obtained from five wild (Iberian lynx, Iberian wolf, red fox, stone marten, and wild boar) and one domestic (sheep) host. Nucleotide sequence analysis identified four genotypes of E. bieneusi, Type IV, Wildboar3, BEB6, and PtEbIX. Three of those genotypes belong to Groups 1 (Type IV and Wildboar3) and 2 (BEB6), which are known to contain genotypes capable of infecting a variety of hosts, including humans, highlighting their public health importance. PtEbIX belongs to the dog-specific Group 11. This study represents the first, largest, and most comprehensive molecular-based epidemiology survey carried out in Portugal in wild and domestic animals to date and the first worldwide identification of E. bieneusi in wolf species. Our study showed that wild carnivores and ungulates may act as reservoirs of zoonotic genotypes of E. bieneusi, establishing their role in maintaining the sylvatic cycle of this parasite while representing a potential source of infection for humans and domestic animals.


Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies






Oxford University Press (OUP)


Infectious Diseases,General Medicine








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