Blake, bubbles and boundary element methods


Ohl Siew-Wan1,Bin Md. Rahim Md Haiqal Haqim2,Klaseboer Evert3,Cheong Khoo Boo2


1. Research Campus STIMULATE, University of Magdeburg, Sandtorstrasse 23, 39106 Magdeburg, Germany

2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Block EA 07-08, 9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117575, Republic of Singapore

3. Institute of High Performance Computing, Fusionopolis Way, 16-16 Connexis North, Singapore 138632, Republic of Singapore


Abstract Professor John Blake spent a considerable part of his scientific career on studying bubble dynamics and acoustic cavitation. As Blake was a mathematician, we will be focusing on the theoretical and numerical studies (and much less on experimental results). Rather than repeating what is essentially already known, we will try to present the results from a different perspective as much as possible. This review will also be of interest for readers who wish to know more about the boundary element method in general, which is a method often used by Blake and his colleagues to simulate bubbles. We will, however, not limit the discussion to bubble dynamics but try to give a broad discussion on recent advances and improvements to this method, especially for potential problems (Laplace) and wave equations (Helmholtz). Based on examples from Blake’s work, we will guide the reader and show some of the mysteries of bubble dynamics, such as why jets form in collapsing bubbles near rigid surfaces. Where appropriate, we will illustrate the concepts with examples drawn from numerical simulations and experiments.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Applied Mathematics

Reference88 articles.

1. Dynamics of an oscillating bubble in a narrow gap;Azam;Phys. Rev. E,2013

2. The collapse of cavitation bubbles and the pressures thereby produced against solid boundaries;Benjamin;Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. A,1966

3. An estimate of the Kelvin impulse of a transient cavity;Best;J. Fluid Mech.,1994

4. A note on the image system for a stokeslet in a no-slip boundary;Blake,1971







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