Transitions and anti-integrable limits for multi-hole Sturmian systems and Denjoy counterexamples


Chen Yi-Chiuan1


1. Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taipei 10617, Taiwan


Abstract For a Denjoy homeomorphism $f$ of the circle $S$, we call a pair of distinct points of the $\omega$-limit set $\omega (\,f)$ whose forward and backward orbits converge together a gap, and call an orbit of gaps a hole. In this paper, we generalize the Sturmian system of Morse and Hedlund and show that the dynamics of any Denjoy minimal set of finite number of holes is conjugate to a generalized Sturmian system. Moreover, for any Denjoy homeomorphism $f$ having a finite number of holes and for any transitive orientation-preserving homeomorphism $f_1$ of the circle with the same rotation number $\rho (\,f_1)$ as $\rho (\,f)$, we construct a family $f_\varepsilon$ of Denjoy homeomorphisms of rotation number $\rho (\,f)$ containing $f$ such that $(\omega (\,f_\varepsilon ), f_\varepsilon )$ is conjugate to $(\omega (\,f), f)$ for $0<\varepsilon <\tilde{\varepsilon }<1$, but the number of holes changes at $\varepsilon =\tilde{\varepsilon }$, that $(\omega (\,f_\varepsilon ), f_\varepsilon )$ is conjugate to $(\omega (\,f_{\tilde{\varepsilon }}), f_{\tilde{\varepsilon }})$ for $\tilde{\varepsilon }\leqslant \varepsilon <1$ but $\lim _{\varepsilon \nearrow 1}f_\varepsilon (t)=f_1(t)$ for any $t\in S$, and that $f_\varepsilon$ has a singular limit when $\varepsilon \searrow 0$. We show this singular limit is an anti-integrable limit (AI-limit) in the sense of Aubry. That is, the Denjoy minimal system reduces to a symbolic dynamical system. The AI-limit can be degenerate or nondegenerate. All transitions can be precisely described in terms of the generalized Sturmian systems.


National Science Council

Ministry of Science and Technology


Oxford University Press (OUP)

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