1. One official has been reported as saying that: ‘We are giving [the issues] of rotation and independence serious consideration because they are pertinent issues, particularly in the light of Parmalat’, D Dombey and A Parker ‘EU Audit Changes Proposed After Parmalat Scandal’ Financial Times 3 Feb 2004 at 1. Other Parmalat-provoked reforms include the requirement that the group auditor takes responsibility for the audit report on the consolidated accounts of a group of companies, although the proposal is defended as ‘not a knee jerk reaction to recent corporate scandals’. Explanatory Memorandum to the Proposal, above n 56 at 2.
2. COM (2004) 177.
3. Reinforcing the Statutory Audit in the EU COM (2003) 286 (OJ 2003 C236/2).
4. ‘There is little indication that the development of a European corporate governance code as an additional layer between principles adopted at the international level and codes adopted at national level would offer significant added value.’ CLAP, above n 48 at 12. There is a striking move across the Member States to adopt corporate governance best practices codes. The UK's Combined Code is long established and has been joined by, eg, the Dutch Corporate Governance Code (2003), the French Consolidated Corporate Governance Code (2003, based on reports published in 1995, 1999, and 2002) and the German Corporate Governance Code (2002).
5. Directive 77/91 OJ 1977 L26/1.