1. Department of Cardiology, Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, University of Amsterdam , Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam , The Netherlands
2. Department of Vascular Medicine, University Medical Center Utrecht , Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht , The Netherlands
3. Capri Cardiac Rehabilitation Rotterdam , Max Euwelaan 55, 3062 MA Rotterdam , The Netherlands
4. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Erasmus Medical Centre , Dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD Rotterdam , The Netherlands
5. Department of Cardiology, Sint Franciscus Gasthuis , Kleiweg 500, 3045 PM Rotterdam , The Netherlands
6. Department of General Practice, Amsterdam University Medical Centers , Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam , The Netherlands
7. Department of Public and Occupational Health, Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute, Amsterdam University Medical Centers , Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam , The Netherlands
8. Department of Cardiology, Thoraxcenter, Erasmus Medical Centre , Dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD Rotterdam , The Netherlands
9. Department of Cardiology, Deventer Hospital , Nico Bolkesteinlaan 75, 7416 SE Deventer , The Netherlands
10. HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Research Group Chronic Diseases , Padualaan 99, 3584 CH Utrecht , The Netherlands