1. Ochsner Heart and Vascular Institute, Ochsner Clinical School-The University of Queensland School of Medicine , 1514 Jefferson Hwy, New Orleans, LA 70121, USA
2. Division of Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona School of Medicine , 655 N. Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85711, USA
3. Institute of Clinical Medicine and Public Health & Clinical Nutrition, University of Eastern Finland , Yliopistonranta 1, P.O. Box 1627, Kuopio, Eastern Finland, 70211 , Finland
4. Department of Medicine, Central Finland Health Care District , Hoitajantie 3, Jyvaskyla, Central Finland , 40620, Finland
5. Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute, University of Missouri , 4321 Washington Street, Suite 2400, Kansas City, MO 64111, USA