1. Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Surrey, Stag Hill 14AY04, Guildford GU2 7XH, UK
2. Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, East Surrey Hospital, Canada Avenue, Redhill RH1 5RH, UK
3. Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK
4. The Institute of Cardiovascular Research, University of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee DD1 9SY, UK
5. Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Cardiothoracic and Vascular Department, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana, via Paradisa 2, 56100 Pisa, Italy
6. Department of Cardiology I—Coronary and Peripheral Vascular Disease, Heart Failure, University Hospital Muenster, Albert Schweitzer Campus 1, A1, 48149 Muenster, Germany
7. Clinical and Interventional Angiology, Swiss Cardiovascular Center Bern, Insel Group AG, University Hospital Bern, Freiburgstrasse 18, 3010 Bern, Switzerland
8. Division of Angiology, Department of Heart and Vessel, Lausanne University Hospital, Ch du Mont-Paisible 18, Lausanne 1011, Switzerland
9. Department of Cardiology, Dupuytren University Hospital, 2, Martin Luther King Ave., 87042 Limoges, France
10. Inserm 1094, Limoges School of Medicine, Ave Dr. Marcland, 87025 Limoges, France