1. Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine II, Medical University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, 1090 Vienna , Austria
2. Centre for Pulmonary Hypertension, Thoraxklinik at Heidelberg University Hospital, Translational Lung Research Centre Heidelberg (TLRC), German Centre for Lung Research (DZL) , 69126 Heidelberg , Germany
3. Division of Cardiology and Intensive Care, Department of Internal Medicine II, Paracelsus Medical University of Salzburg , Muellner Hauptstraße 48, 5020 Salzburg , Austria
4. Division of Cardiology, Angiology and Intensive Care, Department of Internal Medicine II, Public Hospital Elisabethinen Linz , Fadingerstraße 1, 4020 Linz , Austria
5. Division of Cardiology, Medical University of Graz , Auenbruggerplatz 15, 8036 Graz , Austria
6. M.A.R.C.O. GmbH & Co. KG, Institute for Clinical Research and Statistics , Schirmerstraße 71, 40211 Duesseldorf , Germany
7. Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine III, University Hospital of St. Poelten , Dunant-Platz 1, 3100 St. Poelten , Austria
8. Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine V, Favoriten Clinic , Kundratstraße 3, 1100 Vienna , Austria