Development of a common scale for measuring healthy ageing across the world: results from the ATHLOS consortium


Sanchez-Niubo Albert12ORCID,Forero Carlos G3,Wu Yu-Tzu4,Giné-Vázquez Iago12,Prina Matthew45,De La Fuente Javier67,Daskalopoulou Christina4,Critselis Elena8,De La Torre-Luque Alejandro267,Panagiotakos Demosthenes8,Arndt Holger9,Ayuso-Mateos José Luis267,Bayes-Marin Ivet12,Bickenbach Jerome1011,Bobak Martin12,Caballero Francisco Félix1314,Chatterji Somnath15,Egea-Cortés Laia1,García-Esquinas Esther1314ORCID,Leonardi Matilde16,Koskinen Seppo17,Koupil Ilona1819,Mellor-Marsá Blanca120,Olaya Beatriz12,Pająk Andrzej21ORCID,Prince Martin522,Raggi Alberto16,Rodríguez-Artalejo Fernando1314,Sanderson Warren2324,Scherbov Sergei232526,Tamosiunas Abdonas27,Tobias-Adamczyk Beata2829,Tyrovolas Stefanos12,Haro Josep Maria12,


1. Research, Innovation and Teaching Unit, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Spain

2. Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental, CIBERSAM, Madrid, Spain

3. Department of Medicine, International University of Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

4. Health Service and Population Research Department, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London, London, UK

5. Global Health Institute, King's College London, London, UK

6. Department of Psychiatry, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

7. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Princesa (IIS Princesa), Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, Madrid, Spain

8. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, School of Health Sciences and Education, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece

9. Spring Techno GMBH & Co. KG, Bremen, Germany

10. Swiss Paraplegic Research, Guido A. Zäch Institute (GZI), Nottwil, Switzerland

11. Department of Health Sciences & Health Policy, University of Lucerne, Lucerne, Switzerland

12. Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, London, UK

13. Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid/Idipaz, Madrid, Spain

14. Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Epidemiología y Salud Pública, CIBERESP, Madrid, Spain

15. Information, Evidence and Research, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

16. Neurology, Public Health, Disability Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Milan, Italy

17. Department of Public Health Solutions, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland

18. Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

19. Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

20. Sanitary Research Institute, Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain

21. Department of Epidemiology and Population Studies, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland

22. Health Service and Population  Research Department, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London, London, UK

23. Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria

24. Department of Economics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA

25. Austrian Academy of Science, Vienna Institute of Demography, Vienna, Austria

26. International Laboratory of Demography and Human Capital, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russian Federation

27. Department of Population Studies Institute of Cardiology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania

28. Department of Medical Sociology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland

29. Department of Epidemiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland


Abstract Background Research efforts to measure the concept of healthy ageing have been diverse and limited to specific populations. This diversity limits the potential to compare healthy ageing across countries and/or populations. In this study, we developed a novel measurement scale of healthy ageing using worldwide cohorts. Methods In the Ageing Trajectories of Health-Longitudinal Opportunities and Synergies (ATHLOS) project, data from 16 international cohorts were harmonized. Using ATHLOS data, an item response theory (IRT) model was used to develop a scale with 41 items related to health and functioning. Measurement heterogeneity due to intra-dataset specificities was detected, applying differential item functioning via a logistic regression framework. The model accounted for specificities in model parameters by introducing cohort-specific parameters that rescaled scores to the main scale, using an equating procedure. Final scores were estimated for all individuals and converted to T-scores with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. Results A common scale was created for 343 915 individuals above 18 years of age from 16 studies. The scale showed solid evidence of concurrent validity regarding various sociodemographic, life and health factors, and convergent validity with healthy life expectancy (r = 0.81) and gross domestic product (r = 0.58). Survival curves showed that the scale could also be predictive of mortality. Conclusions The ATHLOS scale, due to its reliability and global representativeness, has the potential to contribute to worldwide research on healthy ageing.


5-year Ageing Trajectories of Health: Longitudinal Opportunities and Synergies (ATHLOS) project

European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme


Oxford University Press (OUP)


General Medicine,Epidemiology







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