Hierarchical deep learning for predicting GO annotations by integrating protein knowledge


Merino Gabriela A123ORCID,Saidi Rabie3,Milone Diego H2ORCID,Stegmayer Georgina2ORCID,Martin Maria J3ORCID


1. Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Research and Development Institute (IBB), FI-UNER, CONICET , Oro Verde 3100, Argentina

2. Research Institute for Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence (sinc(i)), FICH-UNL, CONICET, Ciudad Universitaria UNL , Santa Fe 3000, Argentina

3. European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Wellcome Genome Campus , Cambridge CB101SD, UK


Abstract Motivation Experimental testing and manual curation are the most precise ways for assigning Gene Ontology (GO) terms describing protein functions. However, they are expensive, time-consuming and cannot cope with the exponential growth of data generated by high-throughput sequencing methods. Hence, researchers need reliable computational systems to help fill the gap with automatic function prediction. The results of the last Critical Assessment of Function Annotation challenge revealed that GO-terms prediction remains a very challenging task. Recent developments on deep learning are significantly breaking out the frontiers leading to new knowledge in protein research thanks to the integration of data from multiple sources. However, deep models hitherto developed for functional prediction are mainly focused on sequence data and have not achieved breakthrough performances yet. Results We propose DeeProtGO, a novel deep-learning model for predicting GO annotations by integrating protein knowledge. DeeProtGO was trained for solving 18 different prediction problems, defined by the three GO sub-ontologies, the type of proteins, and the taxonomic kingdom. Our experiments reported higher prediction quality when more protein knowledge is integrated. We also benchmarked DeeProtGO against state-of-the-art methods on public datasets, and showed it can effectively improve the prediction of GO annotations. Availability and implementation DeeProtGO and a case of use are available at https://github.com/gamerino/DeeProtGO. Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.





the CABANA project-BBSRC

European Molecular Biology Laboratory core funds


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Computational Mathematics,Computational Theory and Mathematics,Computer Science Applications,Molecular Biology,Biochemistry,Statistics and Probability

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