1. Department of Bacteriology I, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan
2. Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Michigan State University, East Lansing
3. Division of Bacteriology, Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health, Japan
4. Department of Bacteriology, Toyama Institute of Health, Japan
5. Fukuoka Institute of Health and Environmental Sciences, Japan
6. Nagasaki Prefectural Institute for Environmental Research and Public Health, Japan
7. Oita Prefectural Institute of Health and Environment, Japan
8. Fukuoka City Institute for Hygiene and the Environment, Japan
9. Microorganism Section, Kitakyusyu City Institute of Environmental Sciences, Fukuoka, Japan
10. Miyazaki Prefectural Institute for Public Health and Environment, Japan
11. Kumamoto Prefectural Meat Inspection Office, Japan
12. Okinawa Prefectural Institute of Health and Environment, Japan
13. Kyoto Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environment, Japan
14. Yamaguchi Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environment, Japan
15. Division of Microbiology, National Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo, Japan
16. Department of Genomics and Bioenvironmental Science, Frontier Science Research Center, University of Miyazaki, Japan
17. Infectious Disease Surveillance Center, National Institute of infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan
18. Interdisciplinary Research Organization, University of Miyazaki, Japan
19. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, National Institute of Animal Health, Ibaraki, Japan