1. Veterans Emergency Management Evaluation Center (VEMEC), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Derrick Kranke, PhD, is health science specialist, , 16111 Plummer Street, MS-152, North Hills, CA 91343, USA
2. School of Social Work, University of Maryland Debbie Gioia, PhD, is associate professor, , Baltimore, MD, USA
3. VA Nikola Alenkin, PhD, is a supervisory social worker, , Los Angeles, CA, USA
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Yvonne Mudoh, MPH, is project manager, , Atlanta, GA, USA
5. VEMEC Emily Solorzano, MA, is project manager, , VA, North Hills, CA, USA
6. VEMEC Aram Dobalian, PhD, is director, , VA, North Hills, CA, USA, and professor and division chair, Health Services Management and Policy, College of Public Health, the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA