Domestication shapes the endophytic microbiome and metabolome ofSalicornia europaea


Ferreira Maria J1,Sierra-Garcia I Natalia1,Louvado António1,Gomes Newton C M1,Figueiredo Sandro1,Patinha Carla2,Pinto Diana C G A3,Cremades Javier4,Silva Helena1,Cunha Ângela1


1. Department of Biology & Center for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM), University of Aveiro, Campus de Santiago , 3810-193 Aveiro , Portugal

2. Department of Geosciences & Geobiotec, University of Aveiro, Campus de Santiago , 3810-193 Aveiro , Portugal

3. LAQV-REQUIMTE & Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Campus de Santiago , 3810-193 Aveiro , Portugal

4. Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (CICA), University of A Coruña , 15071 A Coruña , Spain


AbstractAimsWe aim at understanding the effect of domestication on the endophytic microbiome and metabolome of Salicornia europaea and collecting evidence on the potential role of microbial populations and metabolites in the adaptation of plants to different ecological contexts (wild vs crops).Methods and resultsSamples were collected from a natural salt marsh (wild) and an intensive crop field (crop). High-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) were used to analyze the endophytic bacterial communities and the metabolite profiles of S. europaea roots, respectively. The elemental analysis of the plant shoots was performed by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS).Overall, significant differences were found between the microbiome of wild and cultivated plants. The later showed a higher relative abundance of the genera Erythrobacter, Rhodomicrobium, and Ilumatobacter than wild plants. The microbiome of wild plants was enriched in Marinobacter, Marixanthomonas, and Thalassospira. The metabolite profile of crop plants revealed higher amounts of saturated and non-saturated fatty acids and acylglycerols. In contrast, wild plants contained comparatively more carbohydrates and most macroelements (i.e. Na, K, Mg, and Ca).ConclusionsThere is a strong correlation between plant metabolites and the endosphere microbiome of S. europaea. In wild populations, plants were enriched in carbohydrates and the associated bacterial community was enriched in genes related to primary metabolic pathways such as nitrogen metabolism and carbon fixation. The endosphere microbiome of crop plants was predicted to have higher gene counts related to pathogenesis. Crop plants also exhibited higher amounts of azelaic acid, an indicator of exposure to phytopathogens.


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

European Regional Development Fund




Oxford University Press (OUP)


Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,General Medicine,Biotechnology







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