1. Francis I. Proctor Foundation, University of California , San Francisco, California , USA
2. Programme National de Santé Oculaire , Ministère De La Santé Publique, Niamey , Niger
3. Prevention of Blindness Program, Ministry of Public Health & Population , Sana'a , Yemen
4. Ministry of Health and Medical Services , Denig , Republic of Nauru
5. Programme National de Promotion de La Santé Oculaire, Ministère de la Santé et de L'Action sociale , Dakar, Sénégal
6. Département En Charge des Maladies Tropicales Négligées, Ministère De La Santé Publique Et De La Lutte Contre Le Sida , Bujumbura , Burundi
7. Ministry of Health Public Health Department , Lusaka , Zambia
8. Neglected Tropical Disease Control Program, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare , Dar Es Salaam , United Republic of Tanzania
9. Programme national de lutte contre les maladies tropicales négligées, Ministère de la santé et de l'hygiène publique , Ouagadougou , Burkina Faso
10. The National Eye Health Programme, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Banjul, Kanifing , The Gambia
11. Programme National De Lutte Contre La Cécité, Ministère De La Santé Publique, Yaoundé , Cameroon
12. Programme National De Lutte Contre Les Maladies Transmissibles, Ministère De La Santé , Cotonou , Benin
13. Department of Clinical Services, Ministry of Health , Lilongwe , Malawi
14. Département Des Maladies Transmissibles, Ministère De La Santé Nouakchott , Nouakchott , Mauritania
15. Direcção Nacional De Saúde Pública Ministerio Da Saude , Maputo , Mozambique
16. Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh , Kathmandu , Nepal
17. National Trachoma Elimination Programme, Federal Ministry of Health , Abuja , Nigeria
18. Zanzibar Ministry of Health , Zanzibar Town, Zanzibar
19. Department of Epidemiology and Disease Control, Ministry of Health & Child Welfare , Harare , Zimbabwe
20. Programa Nacional De Saúde De Visão, Minsap , Bissau , Guinea-Bissau
21. Federal Ministry of Health , Addis Ababa , Ethiopia
22. Eye Department, Ministry of Health and Medical Services , South Tarawa , Kiribati
23. Programme National de la Santé Oculaire, Ministère de la Santé , Bamako , Mali
24. Ministry of Health , Nairobi , Kenya
25. Neglected Tropical Diseases Programme, Ministry of Health , Juba , South Sudan
26. Department of Biology, University of Oxford , Oxford , United Kingdom
27. International Trachoma Initiative, The Task Force for Global Health , Decatur, Georgia , USA
28. Big Data Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Information and Discovery, University of Oxford , Oxford , United Kingdom
29. Department of Medicine, University of California , San Francisco, California , USA