1. University of Portsmouth, School of Health and Care Professions, Winston Churchill Ave, Portsmouth PO1 2UP, UK
2. Africa Centre for Epidemiology, Accra Ghana, P. O. Box AN 16284, Accra North, Ghana
3. Department of Marketing, Accra Technical University, Accra, Ghana
4. School of Public Health, Mount Kenya University, Kenya
5. Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Koforidua Technical University, Koforidua, Ghana
6. Department of Physical Education and Health, Abetifi Presbyterian College of Education, Ghana
7. Student Affairs, West African Postgraduate College of Pharmacists, Accra, Ghana
8. Department of Community Medicine, Osun State University, Nigeria
9. Human Resources and Organizational Development, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
10. Department of Computer Science, Accra Technical University, Accra, Ghana
11. School of Business, Accra Technical University, Accra, Ghana
12. Department of Behavioural Epidemiology, University of Education, Winneba, Institute for Distance Education and E-learning, Winneba, Ghana