Promoting the get healthy information and coaching service (GHS) in Australian-Chinese communities: facilitators and barriers


O’Callaghan C12,Tran A1,Tam N23,Wen L M34,Harris-Roxas 12


1. Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia

2. Population and Community Health, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010, Australia

3. Health Promotion Unit, Population Health Research and Evaluation Hub, Sydney Local Health District, Camperdown, NSW 2050, Australia

4. Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia


Summary Obesity and being overweight are major public health concerns that health coaching can assist people to manage through encouraging self-management and behaviour change. The Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service (GHS) is a telephone health coaching service in Australia that has effectively improved the health of the general population but has had less participation of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) populations. The Chinese population is the largest migrant group in Australia with increased risk of diabetes but had reduced access to the GHS program due to communication barriers. The GHS developed a pilot program for Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese-speaking) communities using bilingual coaches and translated material to address these barriers. Qualitative research was undertaken with Chinese stakeholders (14 interviews) and 11 program participants from the group which had completed the program (2 focus groups in Mandarin and Cantonese) to understand their experiences and the success of promotional activities. This research does not contain the experiences of the people that withdrew from the program. The bilingual program was culturally and linguistically appropriate and addressed risk factors for chronic conditions. Participants formed positive relationships with bilingual coaches who they preferred to interpreters. They felt the program promoted healthy eating, weight and physical activity. Although Chinese stakeholders had concerns about participants’ ability to goal set, participants said they met their health goals and were committed to the GHS program. Strategies to enhance the program included promoting the bilingual GHS to the communities and stakeholders. Factors to consider beyond language in adapting the program to the Australian Chinese communities include meeting the heterogenous needs of the older population, ensuring community engagement and addressing cultural beliefs and practices.


Sydney Local Health District Ethics Review Committee

NSW Office of Preventive Health

Sydney Local Health District

South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) and the Chinese Australian Services Society


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Health (social science)

Reference61 articles.

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