1. An 'unproductive labour' view of finance
2. de Vivo, G. (1998) ‘On Sraffa's path to Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities’, paper presented at the conference ‘Piero Sraffa's work and personality: Contributions in the centenary of his birth’, mimeo [Italian version: ‘Produzione di Merci a Mezzo di Merci: note sul percorso intellettuale di Sraffa’, in Piero Sraffa: Contributi per una Biografia Intellettuale, a cura di M. Pivetti, Roma, Carocci, 2000].
3. Sraffa's path to Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities. An interpretation
4. de Vivo, G. (ed) (2014) Catalogue of the Library of Piero Sraffa, Edited with an Introduction, Notes, and Indexes, by Giancarlo de Vivo, and an Essay on ‘Piero Sraffa and His Books’, by Luigi L. Pasinetti, Torino & Milano: Fondazione Luigi Einaudi & Fondazione Raffaele Mattioli.
5. Value and distribution in the classical economists and Marx;Garegnani;Oxford Econ. Papers, N.S.,1984