1. Department of Pathology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
2. Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Biodiversity and Biotechnology, College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China
3. Integrative Stem Cell Center, China Medical University Hospital, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
4. Research Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
5. Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology & Department of Life Science, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
6. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Grand Chenier, LA
7. Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology and Department of Biochemistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
8. Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
9. International Laboratory for Wound Repair and Regenerative Research, Graduated Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
10. Integrative and Evolutionary Galliformes Genomics Research Center (iEGG), National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan