1. Benbrook C.(1999) Evidence of the magnitude and consequences of the Roundup Ready soybean yield drag from university‐based varietal trials in 1998. Benbrook Consulting Services; Sandpoint Idaho. See document athttp:/www.biotech‐info.net/RR_yield_drag_98.pdf
2. Benbrook C.M.(2001)Troubled times amid commerical success for Roundup Ready soybeans. URL:http://www.biotech‐info.net/troubledtimes.html
3. Canadian Royal Society Expert Panel (2001) Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada. An expert panel report on the future of food biotechnology prepared by the Royal Society of Canada at the request of Health Canada Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Environment Canada see:http://www.rsc.ca/foodbiotechnology/GMreportEN.pdf.