1. For the sake of parsimony and because of limited space, I have simplified the presentation in this section and omitted some of the steps in the mathematical equations. See Signorino (1999, 2002, 2003b) for a more detailed discussion underlying the strategic probit technique.
2. Examples include Randazzo (2002), Leblang (forthcoming), and Carson and Marshall (2003).
3. Leblang David A. Forthcoming. “To Devalue or to Defend? The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policy.” International Studies Quarterly.
4. Signorino Curtis S. 2003b. STRAT: A Program for Analyzing Statistical Strategic Models, Version 1.3. Department of Political Science, University of Rochester. (Available from http://www.rochester.edu/College/PSC/signorino/programs/strat.zip)