After Error Theory: The “What Next?” Question


Joyce Richard


Abstract If the error theorist is correct about morality, then what should we do with moral discourse? This is the “what next?” question. The abolitionist’s answer is that we should just do away with morality. The fictionalist advocates the less obvious answer that we should retain moral discourse even though we know that it is false. This chapter outlines some familiar ways that we already say false things for practical purposes, such as using metaphors, acting, joking, and telling lies. The main goal of the chapter, however, is to investigate the nature of the “what next?” question. Should we think of it as being asked by an individual error theorist (surrounded by moral believers), or being asked by a group of error theorists? What kind of normativity does the question involve? It turns out that there are really many legitimate “what next?” questions.


Oxford University PressOxford

Reference309 articles.

1. Breakdown of Will

2. Wiping the slate clean: The heart of forgiveness;Allais;Philosophy and Public Affairs,2008

3. Knowledge and conviction;Anderson;Synthese,2012







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