Practitioner Understandings of Older Victims of Abuse and Their Perpetrators: Not Ideal Enough?


Bows Hannah1ORCID,Bromley Paige2,Walklate Sandra3


1. Durham Law School, Durham University, Palatine Centre , Durham DH1 3LE , UK

2. Department of Policing, Criminology and Forensics, University of Winchester , UK

3. Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology, University of Liverpool , UK


Abstract This article reports data from interviews with 66 professionals working across safeguarding, health, criminal justice and specialist domestic abuse services exploring their views about older victims’ experiences of domestic abuse. The findings reveal that older victims, despite embodying many of the criteria of Christie’s ideal victim, are not ideal enough as they fail to conform to the stereotype of the young, female victim of intimate-partner abuse. Similarly, their perpetrators, whether older partners or younger sons/other family members, fall short of the necessary criteria to be seen as legitimate offenders—they are not quite ideal—meaning domestic abuse against older adults is frequently repackaged as a health issue, with significant implications for professional practice.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Law,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous),Social Psychology,Pathology and Forensic Medicine

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