Envisioning Social Justice With Criminalized Young Adults


Weaver Beth1ORCID,McCulloch Trish2ORCID,Vaswani Nina3ORCID


1. School of Social Work and Social Policy, University of Strathclyde , Level 6 Lord Hope Building, 141 St James Road, Glasgow G4 0LT , UK

2. School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, University of Dundee, Old Medical School , Dundee DD1 4HN , UK

3. Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice, University of Strathclyde , Level 6 Lord Hope Building, 141 St James Road, Glasgow G4 0LT , UK


Abstract Rather than attending to the social harms underpinning youth offending, justice responses tend to amplify and entrench them. While perhaps less noticeable, inequalities further reside in the systematic disparities in criminalized young adults’ opportunities to influence policy and practice and to have control of the choices concerning their present and their future. Resultantly, perhaps, there is a significant disconnect between policy and practice directed towards this group, their lived realities and developmentally specific needs. This article reports on a design-led, participatory study involving 12 criminalized young adults, aged 18–25, oriented to listening to, and learning from, their experiences and visions of social justice in order to influence more socially just responses to offending than we have at present.


Scottish Universities Insight Institute


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Law,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous),Social Psychology,Pathology and Forensic Medicine

Reference52 articles.

1. ‘On the Cusp of Recognition: Using Critical Theory to Promote Desistance Among Young Offenders’;Barry;Theoretical Criminology,2016

2. ‘Co-production: Towards a Utopian Approach’;Bell;International Journal of Social Research Methodology,2018

3. ‘Reimagining Citizenship: Justice, Responsibility and Non-Penal Real Utopias’;Bell;Justice, Power and Resistance. Foundation Volume,2016








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