1. Center for Grain and Animal Health Research, USDA Agricultural Research Service , 1515 College Ave., Manhattan, KS 66502 , USA
2. The Pirbright Institute , Pirbright, Woking GU24 ONF , UK
3. Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health, USDA APHIS , 2150 Centre Ave, Bldg B, Fort Collins, CO 80526 , USA
4. Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology, Colorado State University (CSU) , 1601 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80526 , USA
5. Diagnostic Medicine Center, Colorado State University (CSU) , 2450 Gillette Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80526 , USA
6. The National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) , 1980 Denison Ave., Manhattan, KS 66505 , USA