1. Tarleton State University , Fort Worth, TX , United States
The clinically significant Factor V Leiden (FVL) point mutation (1691 G/A) causes replacement of Arg with Gln (glutamine), preventing activated protein C from inactivating Factor V leading to a lengthened clotting process. Individuals with the Factor V Leiden mutations have an increased risk for venous thrombosis. The aim of this study is to compare an unlabeled probe high-resolution melting analysis (HRMA) assay for Factor V Leiden mutation to a TaqMan hydrolysis assay (fluorogenic 5’ nuclease PCR hydrolysis assay). HRMA is a post-PCR, homogenous, closed-tube system for the detection of sequence variants. Post-PCR, the amplicons are heated gradually until the melting temperature is reached and the fluorescent dye unbinds from the amplicon and exhibits low fluorescence. A melt-curve analysis is generated that is characteristic of a particular sequence variant. Therefore, HRMA allows for comparison of one base changes in genetic sequences based on their differences in melting rate.
Blood samples were collected in EDTA tubes and DNA extracted using the Roche MagNaPure. Reactions of both HRMA and TaqMan were carried out on 3 controls (1691 G/G, 1691 G/A, and 1691 G/G and G/A) and 20 samples.
The genotypes for 3 reference controls purchased from Coriell (F5 1691 G/G, FVL 1691 G/A, and Heterozygote 1691 G/G and G/A) were confirmed by both the HRMA and TaqMan FVL assays. All 20 samples were confirmed to be F5 1691 G/G by both HRMA and TaqMan assays.
Comparing the results of the unlabeled probe HRMA FVL assay with a real-time TaqMan probe end point genotyping assay resulted in 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity for both assays.
Oxford University Press (OUP)