Recovering induced polarization effects from 1-D coupled inversion of transient electromagnetic data


Sharifi Fereydoun1ORCID,Tezkan Bülent1,Ibraheem Ismael M1,Bergers Rainer1,Yogeshwar Pritam1


1. Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne , Pohligstraße 3, 50969 Cologne , Germany


SUMMARY Induced polarization (IP) effects can significantly affect and superimpose the inductive earth response, leading to heavily distorted data and, if overlooked, false geological interpretation. In this paper, we implemented the Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) and very fast simulated annealing (VFSA) algorithms to recover IP effects from central loop transient electromagnetic (TEM) data. To incorporate the IP effect in the TEM response, we used the Cole–Cole parametrization, maximum phase angle (MPA), maximum imaginary conductivity (MIC) and Jeffrey transform of Cole–Cole parameters. The result of 1-D forward calculation and inversion of synthetic TEM data revealed that the Cole–Cole parametrization is more robust and reliable than MPA, MIC and Jeffrey transform, and that the synthetic data were well fitted and IP parameters well recovered using this model. However, the incorporation of the IP effect leads to a highly nonlinear and non-unique inverse problem which requires an accurate starting model, especially for LM inversion. To evaluate the performance of our algorithm using field data, we carried out a 1-D inversion of TEM data acquired along a profile that traverses a waste site located near Cologne, Germany. Furthermore, to obtain a priori information and validate the result of TEM data modelling, we conducted an electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and time-domain IP (TDIP) survey along the TEM profile. A 2-D inversion was used to retrieve the Cole–Cole parameters as input for TEM interpretation. By including the IP information, the TEM field data can be explained quantitively, and a consistent and improved interpretation of the waste body is achieved.


Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Volkswagen Foundation


Oxford University Press (OUP)

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