Toroidal mantle flow beneath the NE termination of the Kuril–Kamchatka subduction zone from seismic anisotropy


Kaviani Ayoub1ORCID,Rümpker Georg12ORCID,Sens-Schönfelder Christoph3ORCID,Komeazi Abolfazl1ORCID,Shapiro Nikolai4ORCID


1. Institute of Geosciences, Goethe University Frankfurt , Frankfurt D-60438 , Germany

2. Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies , Frankfurt D-60438 , Germany

3. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences , Potsdam D-14473 , Germany

4. Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTERRE), UMR CNRS 5375, Université Grenoble-Alpes , Grenoble CS 40700 38058 Cedex 9 , France


SUMMARY This study presents the findings of a splitting analysis conducted on core-refracted teleseismic shear waves (SKS, SKKS and PKS, called together as XKS) and local shear waves, obtained from a dense seismological network spanning the Kamchatka Peninsula. The objective of the study is to examine the pattern of mantle flow beneath the study area through the investigation of seismic anisotropy. The peninsula is situated at the northeastern end of the Kuril–Kamchatka subduction zone, where the Kuril trench intersects with the western boundary of the Aleutian trench. The data set utilized in this study comprises waveform data from a dense network of seismic stations (99 broad-band and short-period stations for the local shear wave splitting analysis and 69 broad-band stations for the SKS splitting analysis). The seismograms were downloaded from publicly available data repositories including the IRIS Data Management Center and the GFZ Data Services (GEOFON program). The dense station coverage allows us to investigate the lateral variations in anisotropy, providing insights into the flow patterns within the mantle. The processing of the combined data sets of local shear wave and teleseismic XKS waves allowed us to partially decipher the source of anisotropy in the mantle. Small delay (splitting) times (∼0.35 s) observed from the local-S data suggest that anisotropy in the mantle wedge is relatively weak with lateral variations. Larger splitting times (∼1.1 s) observed for the XKS waves relative to local S suggest that the main part of splitting on the XKS waves occurs in the subslab mantle. On the other hand, the rotational pattern of seismic anisotropy observed by both the local S and XKS waves suggests the presence of a toroidal flow at the NE edge of the subducting slab, which affects both the mantle wedge and subslab mantle. For the regions away from the edge of the slab, the mantle flow seems to be governed mainly by the drag of the lithospheric plate over the underlying asthenosphere.




German Research Foundation


Oxford University Press (OUP)







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