Crustal structure of Borneo, Makassar Strait and Sulawesi from ambient noise tomography


Heryandoko N12,Nugraha A D34,Zulfakriza Z34,Rosalia S3,Yudistira T3,Rohadi S2,Daryono D2,Supendi P25,Nurpujiono N2,Yusuf F2,Fauzi F2,Lesmana A6,Husni Y M6,Prayitno B S62,Triyono R62,Adi S P2,Karnawati D2,Greenfield T5,Rawlinson N5,Widiyantoro S37


1. Geophysical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung , Bandung 40132 , Indonesia

2. Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) , Jakarta 10610 , Indonesia

3. Global Geophysics Research Group, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung , Bandung 40132 , Indonesia

4. Research Center for Disaster Mitigation (RCDM), Institut Teknologi Bandung , Bandung 40132 , Indonesia

5. Bullard Laboratories, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge , Cambridge CB3 0EZ , United Kingdom

6. Geophysical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung , Bandung 40132 , Indonesia . Email:

7. Faculty of Engineering, Maranatha Christian University , Bandung 40164 , Indonesia


SUMMARY Borneo and Sulawesi are two large islands separated by the Makassar Strait that lie within the complex tectonic setting of central Indonesia. The seismic structure beneath this region is poorly understood due to the limited data availability. In this study, we present Rayleigh wave tomography results that illuminate the underlying crustal structure. Group velocity is retrieved from dispersion analysis of Rayleigh waves extracted from the ambient noise field by cross-correlating long-term recordings from 108 seismic stations over a period of 8 months. We then produce a 3-D shear wave velocity model via a two-stage process in which group velocity maps are computed across a range of periods and then sampled over a dense grid of points to produce pseudo-dispersion curves; these dispersion curves are then separately inverted for 1-D shear wave velocity (Vs), with the resultant models combined and interpolated to form a 3-D model. In this model, we observed up to ± 1.2 km s−1 lateral Vs heterogeneities as a function of depth. Our models illuminate a strong low shear wave velocity (Vs) anomaly at shallow depth (≤ 14 km) and a strong high Vs anomaly at depths of 20–30 km beneath the North Makassar Strait. We inferred the sediment basement and Moho depth from our 3-D Vs model based on iso-velocity constrained by the positive vertical gradient of the Vs models. The broad and deep sedimentary basement at ∼14 ± 2 km depth beneath the North Makassar Strait is floored by a shallow Moho at ∼22 ± 2 km depth, which is the thinnest crust in the study area. To the east of this region, our model reveals a Moho depth of ∼45 ± 2 km beneath Central Sulawesi, the thickest crust in our study area, which suggests crustal thickening since the late Oligocene. Moreover, the presence of high near-surface Vs anomalies with only slight changes of velocity with increasing depth in southwest Borneo close to Schwaner Mountain confirm the existence of a crustal root beneath this region.


Oxford University Press (OUP)

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