1. Department Toxicology, Jena University Hospital, Institute for Forensic Medicine, Friedrich Schiller University Jena , Jena, Thuringia 00747, Germany
An unidentified compound in putrefied postmortem blood samples showed identical accurate mass and chromatographic behavior as 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and led to false-positive preliminary screening results. The aim of the study was to identify this unknown interference. Postmortem blood samples were analyzed after protein precipitation on a QExactive Focus high-resolution mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher, Germany) coupled to a RP C18 column (Macherey-Nagel, Germany). Based on the analysis of mass spectrometry (MS) adducts and isotope ratios using fullscan (m/z 134–330) information, the empiric formula of the protonated molecule [M + H]+ of the unknown compound was found to be C10H14O2N (+ 0.6 ppm). Product ion spectra recorded using normalized collision energy 22% showed a base peak of C8H9O1 (+ 1.5 ppm) and a low-abundant water loss to C7H9 (+ 1.9 ppm), neutral losses of C2H2O and NH3 were found. Based on fullscan and MS-MS information and under consideration of the observed order of neutral losses, the compound was presumptively identified as N-acetyltyramine. This assumption was supported by SIRIUS software showing a SIRIUS score of 99.43% for N-acetyltyramine. Finally, the putative structure annotation was confirmed by a reference compound. The described false-positive MDA findings could be attributed to the presence of N-acetyltyramine in putrefied blood samples. Being an isomer of MDA, N-acetyltyramine could not be distinguished by high-resolution data of the protonated molecules. The presented results once again highlight that false-positive findings may occur even in hyphenated high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) when using full-scan information only.
Oxford University Press (OUP)
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