1. Ospedale S. Stefano , Division of Cardiology, Prato, Italy
2. IRCCS S. Maria Nascente - Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS , Cardiology Rehabilitation Unit, Milan, Italy
3. Biostatistica ed Epidemiologia Clinica , Department of Public Health, Neurosciences, Experimental and Forensic Medicine, Università di Pavia, Pavia, Italy
4. San Raffaele Scientific Institute , Operative Unit of Hemodynamics and Interventional Cardiology, Milan, Italy
5. Ospedale Manzoni , Cardiovascular Department, Lecco, Italy
6. Ospedale Infermi , Division of Cardiology, Rimini, Italy
7. ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda , Division of Cardiology, Milano, Italy
8. IRCCS Auxologico San Luca , Laboratory of Catheterization, Milan, Italy
9. Ospedale Vaio , Medical and Diagnostic Department, Fidenza, Italy
10. Ospedale Maggiore , Division of Cardiology, Crema, Italy
11. IRCCS Fondazione Policlinico S. Matteo , Cardiothoracovascular Department and Molecular Medicine, Pavia, Italy
12. Ospedale Baggiovara , Cardiology Unit, Modena, Italy
13. Ospedale Ruggi D’ Aragona , Cardiology Intensive Care Unit, Salerno, Italy
14. Ospedale S. Maria della Misericordia , Cardiothoracovascular Department, Perugia, Italy
15. Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca e Cura per l’ Anziano , Cardiology Complex Operating Unit, Ancona, Italy