Hip fracture has profound psychosocial impacts: a systematic review of qualitative studies


Taylor Nicholas F12,Rimayanti Made U13,Peiris Casey L14,Snowdon David A15,Harding Katherine E12,Semciw Adam I16,O’Halloran Paul D37,Wintle Elizabeth1,Williams Scott1,Shields Nora8


1. Academic and Research Collaborative in Health, La Trobe University , Bundoora, Victoria 3086, Australia

2. Allied Health Clinical Research Office, Eastern Health , 2/5 Arnold Street, Box Hill, Victoria 3128, Australia

3. School of Psychology and Public Health, La Trobe University , Melbourne, Victoria 3086, Australia

4. Royal Melbourne Hospital, Parkville , Melbourne 3052, Victoria Australia

5. Academic Unit, Peninsula Health , Frankston, Victoria 3133, Australia

6. Allied Health, Northern Health , Epping, Victoria 3076, Australia

7. Centre for Sport and Social Impact, La Trobe University , Melbourne, Victoria 3086, Australia

8. Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre, La Trobe University , Melbourne, Victoria 3086, Australia


Abstract Background Hip fracture is a common and serious traumatic injury for older adults characterised by poor outcomes. Objective This systematic review aimed to synthesise qualitative evidence about the psychosocial impact of hip fracture on the people who sustain these injuries. Methods Five databases were searched for qualitative studies reporting on the psychosocial impact of hip fracture, supplemented by reference list checking and citation tracking. Data were synthesised inductively and confidence in findings reported using the Confidence in the Evidence from Reviews of Qualitative research approach, taking account of methodological quality, coherence, relevance and adequacy. Results Fifty-seven studies were included. Data were collected during the peri-operative period to >12 months post fracture from 919 participants with hip fracture (median age > 70 years in all but 3 studies), 130 carers and 297 clinicians. Hip fracture is a life altering event characterised by a sense of loss, prolonged negative emotions and fear of the future, exacerbated by negative attitudes of family, friends and clinicians. For some people after hip fracture there is, with time, acceptance of a new reality of not being able to do all the things they used to do. There was moderate to high confidence in these findings. Conclusions Hip fracture is a life altering event. Many people experience profound and prolonged psychosocial distress following a hip fracture, within a context of negative societal attitudes. Assessment and management of psychosocial distress during rehabilitation may improve outcomes for people after hip fracture.


Oxford University Press (OUP)








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