1. Aaron Jane . Welsh Gothic. UWalesP; 2013. p. viii + 260. £90 ISBN 9 7807 0832 6077.
2. Ahern Stephen , editor. Affect and Abolition in the Anglo-Atlantic, 1770–1830. Ashgate; 2013. p. x + 225. £54 ISBN 9 7814 0945 5615.
3. Andeweg Agnes Zlosnik Sue , editors. Gothic Kinship. ManUP; 2013. p. xii + 255. £65 ISBN 9 7807 1908 8605.
4. Baker William Smothers Amanda , editors. ‘The Real Thing’: Essays on Tom Stoppard in Celebration of His 75th Birthday. CambridgeSP; 2013. p. vii + 296. £49.99 ISBN 9 7814 4384 7247.
5. Bates Brian R . Wordsworth’s Poetic Collections, Supplementary Writings and Parodic Reception. P&C; 2013. p. vii + 236. £60 ISBN 9 7818 4893 1961.