1. Toxicology Directorate, U.S. Army Public Health Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground , Maryland 21010, USA
Abstract6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate (6:2 FTS) has been used as a replacement for legacy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). We assessed reproductive and developmental effects in a human-wildlife hybrid animal model based on the association of adverse effects linked to legacy PFAS with these sensitive life stages. In this study, white-footed mice were exposed orally to 0, 0.2, 1, 5, or 25 mg/kg-day 6:2 FTS for 112 days (4 weeks premating exposure plus at least 4 weeks mating exposure). Pregnancy and fertility indices were calculated, and litter production, total litter size, live litter size, stillbirths, litter loss, average pup weight, and pinna unfolding were assessed. Sex steroid and thyroid hormone serum levels were assessed. Body weight, histopathology, and immune function were also assessed in this study. Reproductive endpoints were not significantly altered in response to 6:2 FTS. Spleen weight increased in male mice dosed with 6:2 FTS. Immune function determined via a plaque-forming cell (PFC) assay was decreased in both male and female mice in the 2 highest doses. A low benchmark dose was calculated based on PFCs as the critical effect and was found to be 2.63 and 2.26 mg/kg-day 6:2 FTS in male and female mice, respectively. This study characterizes 6:2 FTS as being potentially immunotoxic with little evidence of effect on reproduction and development; furthermore, it models acceptable levels of exposure. These 2 pieces of information together will aid regulators in setting environmental exposure limits for this PFAS currently thought to be less toxic than other PFAS.
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program
Oxford University Press (OUP)
Cited by
6 articles.