Sarbecovirus programmed ribosome frameshift RNA element folding studied by NMR spectroscopy and comparative analyses


Hernández-Marín María12,Cantero-Camacho Ángel1,Mena Ignacio3,López-Núñez Sergio12,García-Sastre Adolfo34567,Gallego José1ORCID


1. Centro de Investigación Traslacional San Alberto Magno, Universidad Católica de Valencia , 46001  Valencia , Spain

2. Escuela de Doctorado, Universidad Católica de Valencia , 46001  Valencia , Spain

3. Department of Microbiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , NY , USA

4. Global Health and Emerging Pathogens Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , NY , USA

5. Department of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , NY , USA

6. Department of Pathology, Molecular and Cell-Based Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , NY , USA

7. The Tisch Cancer Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , NY , USA


Abstract The programmed ribosomal frameshift (PRF) region is found in the RNA genome of all coronaviruses and shifts the ribosome reading frame through formation of a three-stem pseudoknot structure, allowing the translation of essential viral proteins. Using NMR spectroscopy, comparative sequence analyses and functional assays we show that, in the absence of the ribosome, a 123-nucleotide sequence encompassing the PRF element of SARS-CoV-2 adopts a well-defined two-stem loop structure that is conserved in all SARS-like coronaviruses. In this conformation, the attenuator hairpin and slippery site nucleotides are exposed in the first stem-loop and two pseudoknot stems are present in the second stem-loop, separated by an 8-nucleotide bulge. Formation of the third pseudoknot stem depends on pairing between bulge nucleotides and base-paired nucleotides of the upstream stem-loop, as shown by a PRF construct where residues of the upstream stem were removed, which formed the pseudoknot structure and had increased frameshifting activity in a dual-luciferase assay. The base-pair switch driving PRF pseudoknot folding was found to be conserved in several human non-SARS coronaviruses. The collective results suggest that the frameshifting pseudoknot structure of these viruses only forms transiently in the presence of the translating ribosome. These findings clarify the frameshifting mechanism in coronaviruses and can have a beneficial impact on antiviral drug discovery.


National Institutes of Health

La Caixa Banking Foundation of Spain


EU iNext-Discovery

Universidad Católica de Valencia


Oxford University Press (OUP)







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