Gain-of-function and loss-of-function variants in GRIA3 lead to distinct neurodevelopmental phenotypes


Rinaldi Berardo1,Bayat Allan234,Zachariassen Linda G2,Sun Jia-Hui56,Ge Yu-Han57,Zhao Dan2,Bonde Kristine2,Madsen Laura H2,Awad Ilham Abdimunim Ali2,Bagiran Duygu2,Sbeih Amal2,Shah Syeda Maidah2,El-Sayed Shaymaa2,Lyngby Signe M2,Pedersen Miriam G2,Stenum-Berg Charlotte2,Walker Louise Claudia8,Krey Ilona9,Delahaye-Duriez Andrée101112,Emrick Lisa T1314,Sully Krystal13,Murali Chaya N14,Burrage Lindsay C14,Plaud Gonzalez Julie Ana13,Parnes Mered1315,Friedman Jennifer161718ORCID,Isidor Bertrand19,Lefranc Jérémie20,Redon Sylvia2122,Heron Delphine2324,Mignot Cyril2324,Keren Boris25,Fradin Mélanie26ORCID,Dubourg Christele2728,Mercier Sandra2930,Besnard Thomas2930,Cogne Benjamin2930,Deb Wallid2930,Rivier Clotilde31,Milani Donatella32,Bedeschi Maria Francesca1,Di Napoli Claudia1,Grilli Federico1,Marchisio Paola3334,Koudijs Suzanna35,Veenma Danielle35,Argilli Emanuela3637,Lynch Sally Ann38,Au Ping Yee Billie39,Ayala Valenzuela Fernando Eduardo40,Brown Carolyn41,Masser-Frye Diane42,Jones Marilyn43,Patron Romero Leslie44,Li Wenhui Laura45,Thorpe Erin41,Hecher Laura45,Johannsen Jessika45,Denecke Jonas45,McNiven Vanda4647,Szuto Anna4648,Wakeling Emma49,Cruz Vincent50,Sency Valerie50,Wang Heng50,Piard Juliette5152,Kortüm Fanny53,Herget Theresia53,Bierhals Tatjana53,Condell Angelo54,Zeev Bruria Ben5556,Kaur Simranpreet5457,Christodoulou John54575859ORCID,Piton Amelie60,Zweier Christiane6162ORCID,Kraus Cornelia61,Micalizzi Alessia63,Trivisano Marina64,Specchio Nicola64,Lesca Gaetan6566,Møller Rikke S34ORCID,Tümer Zeynep6768,Musgaard Maria8,Gerard Benedicte69,Lemke Johannes R70ORCID,Shi Yun Stone5771ORCID,Kristensen Anders S2ORCID


1. Medical Genetics Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico , Milan, 20122 , Italy

2. Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen , Copenhagen, 2100 , Denmark

3. Department of Epilepsy Genetics and Personalized Medicine, Danish Epilepsy Centre , Dianalund, 4293 , Denmark

4. Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark , Odense, 5230   Denmark

5. State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Model Animal Research Center, Department of Neurology, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Medical School, Nanjing University 5 , Nanjing, 210032 , China

6. Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Organ Development and Regeneration, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Hangzhou Normal University , Hangzhou, 310030 , China

7. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Model Animal for Disease Study, National Resource Center for Mutant Mice, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Medical School, Nanjing University , Nanjing, 210032 , China

8. Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Ottawa 8 , Ottawa, K1H 8M5 , Canada

9. Institute of Human Genetics, University of Leipzig Medical Center , Leipzig, 04103 , Germany

10. Unité fonctionnelle de médecine génomique et génétique clinique, Hôpital Jean Verdier, Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris , Bondy, 93140 , France

11. NeuroDiderot, UMR 1141, Inserm, Université Paris Cité , Paris, 75019 , France

12. UFR SMBH, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord , Bobigny, 93000 , France

13. Division of Neurology and Developmental Neurosciences, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital , Houston, Texas, 77030 , USA

14. Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine , Houston, Texas, 77030 , USA

15. Pediatric Movement Disorders Clinic, Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine , Houston, Texas, 77030 , USA

16. Rady Children’s Institute for Genomic Medicine , San Diego, California, 92123 , USA

17. Department of Neurosciences, University of California San Diego , San Diego, CA 92123 , USA

18. Department of Pediatrics, University of California San Diego , San Diego, CA 92123 , USA

19. Service de Génétique Médicale, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nantes , Nantes, Pays de la Loire, 44000 , France

20. Pediatric Neurophysiology Department, CHU de Brest , Brest, 29200 , France

21. Service de Génétique Médicale, CHU de Brest , Brest, 29200 , France

22. University of Brest, Inserm, EFS, UMR 1078, GGB , Brest, 29200 , France

23. APHP Sorbonne Université, Département de Génétique, Hôpital Armand Trousseau and Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière , Paris, 75013 , France

24. Centre de Référence Déficiences Intellectuelles de Causes Rares , Paris, 75013 , France

25. Genetic Department, APHP, Sorbonne Université, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital , Paris, 75013 , France

26. Service de Génétique Médicale, Hôpital Sud, CHU de Rennes , Rennes, 35200 , France

27. Service de Génétique Moléculaire et Génomique, CHU de Rennes , Rennes, 35200 , France

28. Université de Rennes, CNRS, Institut de Genetique et Developpement de Rennes, UMR 6290 , Rennes, 35200 , France

29. Nantes Université, CHU Nantes, Service de Génétique Médicale , Nantes, 44000 , France

30. Nantes Université, CHU Nantes, CNRS, INSERM, l’institut du thorax , Nantes, 44000 , France

31. Department of Paediatrics, Villefranche-sur-Saône Hospital , Villefranche-sur-Saône, 69655 , France

32. Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico , Milan, 20122 , Italy

33. Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Pediatria Pneumoinfettivologia , Milan, 20122 , Italy

34. University of Milan , Milan, 20122 , Italy

35. Department of Neurology, ENCORE, Erasmus Medical Center-Sophia Children’s Hospital , Rotterdam, 3015 , The Netherlands

36. Institute of Human Genetics, University of California , San Francisco, CA 94143 , USA

37. Department of Neurology, Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California , San Francisco, CA 94143 , USA

38. Department of Clinical Genetics Children’s Health Ireland Crumlin , Dublin, D12 N512 , Ireland

39. Department of Medical Genetics, Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary , Calgary, AB T2N 4N1 , Canada

40. Hospital Angeles Tijuana , Tijuana, 22010 , Mexico

41. Illumina Inc , San Diego, California, 92122 , USA

42. Division of Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, UC San Diego School of Medicine, Rady Children’s Hospital , San Diego, California, 92024 , USA

43. Facultad de Medicina y Psicología, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California , Tijuana, 22010 , Mexico

44. Breakthrough Genomics Inc , Irvine, California, 92618 , USA

45. Department of Pediatrics, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf , Hamburg, 20215 , Germany

46. Division of Clinical and Metabolic Genetics, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto , Toronto, Ontario, ON M5G 1E8 , Canada

47. Fred A Litwin Family Centre in Genetic Medicine, University Health Network and Mount Sinai Hospital , Toronto, Ontario, ON M5G 2C4 , Canada

48. Department of Paediatrics, Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto , Toronto, ON M5G 1E8 , Canada

49. North East Thames Regional Genetics Service, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust , London, WC1N 3JH , UK

50. DDC Clinic Center for Special Needs Children , Middlefield, Ohio, 44062 , USA

51. Centre de Génétique Humaine, Université de Franche-Comté, CHU , Besançon, 25000 , France

52. Unité de recherche en neurosciences intégratives et cognitives EA481, Université de Franche-Comté , Besançon, 25000 , France

53. Institute of Human Genetics, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf , Hamburg, 20251 , Germany

54. Brain and Mitochondrial Research Group, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute , Melbourne, Victoria, 3052 , Australia

55. Pediatric Neurology Institute, Edmond and Lily Safra Children’s Hospital, Sheba Medical Center , Tel HaShomer, Ramat Gan, 52621 , Israel

56. Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University , Tel-Aviv, 69978 , Israel

57. Department of Paediatrics, Melbourne Medical School, University of Melbourne , Melbourne, Victoria, 3052 , Australia

58. Discipline of Genetic Medicine, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney , Sydney, New South Wales, 2050 , Australia

59. Discipline of Child & Adolescent Health, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Sydney , New South Wales, 2050 , Australia

60. Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, Laboratoire de Diagnostic Génétique , Strasbourg, 67000 , France

61. Institute of Human Genetics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg , Erlangen, 91054 , Germany

62. Department of Human Genetics, Inselspital Bern, University of Bern , Bern, 3010 , Switzerland

63. Translational Cytogenomics Research Unit, Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, IRCCS , Rome, 00165 , Italy

64. Neurology, Epilepsy and Movement Disorders, Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, IRCCS, Full Member of European Reference Network EpiCARE , Rome, 00165 , Italy

65. Department of Medical Genetics, University Hospital of Lyon and Claude Bernard Lyon I University , Lyon, 69100 , France

66. Pathophysiology and Genetics of Neuron and Muscle (PNMG), UCBL, CNRS UMR5261 - INSERM U1315 , Lyon, 69100 , France

67. Kennedy Center, Department of Clinical Genetics, Copenhagen University Hospital , Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen , Denmark

68. Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen , Copenhagen, 2100 , Denmark

69. Laboratoires de diagnostic genetique, Institut de genetique Medicale d’Alsace, Hopitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg , Strasbourg, 67000 , France

70. Center for Rare Diseases, University of Leipzig Medical Center , Leipzig, 04103 , Germany

71. Guangdong Institute of Intelligence Science and Technology , Zhuhai, 519031 , China


Abstract AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid) receptors (AMPARs) mediate fast excitatory neurotransmission in the brain. AMPARs form by homo- or heteromeric assembly of subunits encoded by the GRIA1-GRIA4 genes, of which only GRIA3 is X-chromosomal. Increasing numbers of GRIA3 missense variants are reported in patients with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD), but only a few have been examined functionally. Here, we evaluated the impact on AMPAR function of one frameshift and 43 rare missense GRIA3 variants identified in patients with NDD by electrophysiological assays. Thirty-one variants alter receptor function and show loss-of-function (LoF) or gain-of-function (GoF) properties, whereas 13 appeared neutral. We collected detailed clinical data from 25 patients (from 23 families) harbouring 17 of these variants. All patients had global developmental impairment, mostly moderate (9/25) or severe (12/25). Twelve patients had seizures, including focal motor (6/12), unknown onset motor (4/12), focal impaired awareness (1/12), (atypical) absence (2/12), myoclonic (5/12), and generalized tonic-clonic (1/12) or atonic (1/12) seizures. The epilepsy syndrome was classified as developmental and epileptic encephalopathy in eight patients, developmental encephalopathy without seizures in 13 patients, and intellectual disability with epilepsy in four patients. Limb muscular hypotonia was reported in 13/25, and hypertonia in 10/25. Movement disorders were reported in 14/25, with hyperekplexia or non-epileptic erratic myoclonus being the most prevalent feature (8/25). Correlating receptor functional phenotype with clinical features revealed clinical features for GRIA3-associated NDDs and distinct NDD phenotypes for LoF and GoF variants. GoF variants were associated with more severe outcomes: patients were younger at the time of seizure onset (median age one month), hypertonic, and more often had movement disorders, including hyperekplexia. Patients with LoF variants were older at the time of seizure onset (median age 16 months), hypotonic, and had sleeping disturbances. LoF and GoF variants were disease-causing in both sexes but affected males often carried de novo or hemizygous LoF variants inherited from healthy mothers, whereas all but one affected females had de novo heterozygous GoF variants.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Neurology (clinical)

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