Histo-morphological Characterization of the Tongue and Oropharyngeal Cavity of the Shining Sunbird (Cinnyris habessinicus)


El-Mansi Ahmed A1ORCID,Al-Kahtani Mohamed A1,Alshahrani Hend1,Ibrahim Esam H1,Al-Doaiss Amin1,Abd-Elhafeez Hanan H2,Soliman Soha A3,Taha Ramadan1,ElBealy Eman1


1. Biology Department, Faculty of Science, King Khalid University , Abha 61413 , Saudi Arabia

2. Cell and tissues Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut 71526, Egypt

3. Histology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, South Valley University , Qena 83523 , Egypt


AbstractSunbirds, as specialized nectarivores, have developed multiple lingual and oropharyngeal peculiarities imposed by this dietary specialization that particularly extract floral nectar. We have described the functional morphology of the tongues and palates of the shining sunbird, Cinnyris habessinicus, using gross anatomical, histological, and scanning electron microscopic methods. The tongue was bifurcated with fringed lamella and extended posteriorly, forming a broad trough at the lingual body and terminating in two fleshy, alae linguae. The lingual apex and body are nonpapillate and nonglandular, and its root had a muscular pad followed by a conspicuous laryngeal mound bordered by three prominent rows of conical papillae. The lingual root had clusters of mucoid glands with rich acidic mucins, and the laryngeal region had complex papillary distribution at the back margins. Both the lingual body and root had well-developed skeletal elements, musculature, and connective tissues. Furthermore, the palate was membranous and made up of four main ridges with a central choanal slit guarded by choanal papillae. Overall, the presented results showed structural and anatomical features that are the results of the nectarivory dietary niche.


Oxford University Press (OUP)










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