Authentication and Quality Control of the Brazilian Traditional Herb “Espinheira-Santa” (Monteverdia ilicifolia) by Morpho-Anatomy and Microscopy


Antunes Kevin A1ORCID,Monteiro Luciane M1,Almeida Valter P1ORCID,Monchak Irailson T1,Perera Wilmer H2,Heiden Gustavo3,Guarino Ernestino S G3ORCID,Santos Vera L P4,Farago Paulo V15,Raman Vijayasankar5ORCID,Khan Ikhlas A5,Manfron Jane15


1. Postgraduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences, State University of Ponta Grossa , 4748 Carlos Cavalcanti Avenue, Ponta Grossa, PR 84030-900 , Brazil

2. CAMAG Scientific, Inc., 515 Cornelius Harnett Dr, Wilmington, NC 28401, USA

3. Embrapa Clima Temperado, Pelotas, BR-392, km 78 Monte Bonito, RS 96010-971, Brazil

4. Escola Superior de Saúde, Biociências, Meio Ambiente e Humanidades, Centro Universitário Internacional Uninter , Curitiba, PR 80410-150 , Brazil

5. National Center for Natural Products Research, School of Pharmacy, The University of Mississippi , University, P.O. Box 1848, MS 38677 , USA


Abstract The leaves of Monteverdia ilicifolia (syn. Maytenus ilicifolia), commonly called espinheira-santa, are widely used in South American traditional medicines to treat gastritis and ulcers. Several products labeled as espinheira-santa are sold as dietary supplements in retail stores and via e-commerce. Many different species with similar leaf morphology are often mistaken for Monteverdia ilicifolia and used as espinheira-santa, including Monteverdia aquifolia (Celastraceae), Citronella gongonha (Cardiopteridaceae), Jodina rhombifolia (Santalaceae), Sorocea bonplandii (Moraceae), and Zollernia ilicifolia (Fabaceae). This study aimed to characterize M. ilicifolia and distinguish it from adulterants using morphological and microscopic techniques. In addition, foreign matter and powder characteristics of botanical materials sold as “espinheira-santa” were analyzed. The morphoanatomical studies of the leaves and stems of M. ilicifolia and its five adulterant species have revealed noteworthy features that can help species identification and quality control of commercial espinheira-santa. This study showed that many commercial espinheira-santa materials were adulterated and of inferior quality.


Oxford University Press (OUP)



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