Lack of close-in, massive planets of main-sequence A-type stars from Kepler


Sabotta Silvia1ORCID,Kabath Petr2,Korth Judith3,Guenther Eike W1,Dupkala Daniel2,Grziwa Sascha3,Klocova Tereza2,Skarka Marek24ORCID


1. Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Sternwarte 5, D-07778 Tautenburg, Germany

2. Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Fričova 298, CZ-25165 Ondřejov, Czech Republic

3. Rheinisches Institut für Umweltforschung an der Universität zu Köln, Aachener Strasse 209, D-50931 Köln, Germany

4. Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic


ABSTRACT Some theories of planet formation and evolution predict that intermediate-mass stars host more hot Jupiters than Sun-like stars, others reach the conclusion that such objects are very rare. By determining the frequencies of those planets we can test those theories. Based on the analysis of Kepler light curves it has been suggested that about 8 per cent of the intermediate-mass stars could have a close-in substellar companion. This would indicate a very high frequency of such objects. Up to now, there was no satisfactory proof or test of this hypothesis. We studied a previously reported sample of 166 planet candidates around main-sequence A-type stars in the Kepler field. We selected six of them for which we obtained extensive long-term radial velocity measurements with the Alfred Jensch 2-m telescope in Tautenburg and the Perek 2-m telescope in Ondřejov. We derive upper limits of the masses of the planet candidates. We show that we are able to detect this kind of planet with our telescopes and their instrumentation using the example of MASCARA-1 b. With the transit finding pipeline Extrans we confirm that there is no single transit event from a Jupiter-like planet in the light curves of those 166 stars. We furthermore determine that the upper limit for the occurrence rate of close-in, massive planets for A-type stars in the Kepler sample is around 0.75 per cent. We argue that there is currently little evidence for a very high frequency of close-in, massive planets of intermediate-mass stars.


Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics

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