1. National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100101 , China
2. Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin – Madison , Madison, WI 53706 , USA
3. Tianjin Astrophysics Center, Tianjin Normal University , Binshuixidao 393, 300384 Tianjin , China
4. INAF – Astronomical Observatory of Trieste , via G.B. Tiepolo 11, I-34143 Trieste , Italy
5. Aix Marseille Universitè, CNRS, LAM (Laboratoire d Astrophysique de Marseille) , F-13388 Marseille , France
6. IFPU – Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe , via Beirut 2, I-34151 Trieste , Italy
7. Institute for Physics, Laboratory for Galaxy Evolution and Spectral modelling, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Observatoire de Sauverny , Chemin Pegasi 51, CH-1290 Versoix , Switzerland