Transient fading X-ray emission detected during the optical rise of a tidal disruption event


Malyali A1ORCID,Rau A1,Bonnerot C2,Goodwin A J3,Liu Z1,Anderson G E3ORCID,Brink J45,Buckley D A H456ORCID,Merloni A1,Miller-Jones J C A3ORCID,Grotova I1,Kawka A3ORCID


1. Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik , Giessenbachstrasse 1, 85748 Garching , Germany

2. School of Physics and Astronomy & Institute for Gravitational Wave Astronomy, University of Birmingham , Birmingham B15 2TT , UK

3. International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, Curtin University , GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845 , Australia

4. South African Astronomical Observatory , PO Box 9, Observatory Rd, 7935 Observatory, Cape Town , South Africa

5. Department of Astronomy, University of Cape Town , Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7701 , South Africa

6. Department of Physics, University of the Free State , PO Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300 , South Africa


ABSTRACT We report on the SRG/eROSITA detection of ultra-soft ($kT=47^{+5}_{-5}$ eV) X-ray emission (LX =$2.5^{+0.6}_{-0.5} \times 10^{43}$ erg s−1) from the tidal disruption event (TDE) candidate AT 2022dsb ∼14 d before peak optical brightness. As the optical luminosity increases after the eROSITA detection, then the 0.2–2 keV observed flux decays, decreasing by a factor of ∼39 over the 19 d after the initial X-ray detection. Multi-epoch optical spectroscopic follow-up observations reveal transient broad Balmer emission lines and a broad He ii 4686 Å emission complex with respect to the pre-outburst spectrum. Despite the early drop in the observed X-ray flux, the He ii 4686  Å complex is still detected for ∼40 d after the optical peak, suggesting the persistence of an obscured hard ionizing source in the system. Three outflow signatures are also detected at early times: (i) blueshifted H α emission lines in a pre-peak optical spectrum, (ii) transient radio emission, and (iii) blueshifted Ly α absorption lines. The joint evolution of this early-time X-ray emission, the He ii 4686 Å complex, and these outflow signatures suggests that the X-ray emitting disc (formed promptly in this TDE) is still present after optical peak, but may have been enshrouded by optically thick debris, leading to the X-ray faintness in the months after the disruption. If the observed early-time properties in this TDE are not unique to this system, then other TDEs may also be X-ray bright at early times and become X-ray faint upon being veiled by debris launched shortly after the onset of circularization.



National Science Foundation

U.S. Department of Energy




Australian Research Council


Oxford University Press (OUP)







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