Milky Way-like galaxies: stellar population properties of dynamically defined discs, bulges and stellar haloes


Ortega-Martinez Sara12ORCID,Obreja Aura3ORCID,Dominguez-Tenreiro Rosa24,Pedrosa Susana E25,Rosas-Guevara Yetli1ORCID,Tissera Patricia B67ORCID


1. Donostia International Physics Centre (DIPC) , Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal 4, E-20018 Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain

2. Departamento de Física Teórica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid , E-28049 Madrid, Spain

3. Universitäts-Sternwarte München , Scheinerstraße 1, D-81679 München, Germany

4. Centro de Investigación Avanzada en Física Fundamental, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid , E-28049 Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain

5. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio , CONICET, C1428ZAA Buenos Aires, Argentina

6. Instituto de Astrofísica, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile , 8970117, Santiago, Chile

7. Centro de Astro-Ingeniería, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile , 8970117 Santiago, Chile


ABSTRACT The formation of galaxies can be understood in terms of the assembly patterns of each type of galactic component. To perform this kind of analysis, it is necessary to define some criteria to separate those components. Decomposition methods based on dynamical properties are more physically motivated than photometry-based ones. We use the unsupervised Gaussian Mixture model of galactic structure finder to extract the components of a sub-sample of galaxies with Milky Way-like masses from the eagle simulations. A clustering in the space of first- and second-order dynamical moments of all identified substructures reveals five types of galaxy components: thin and thick discs, stellar haloes, bulges and spheroids. We analyse the dynamical, morphological and stellar population (SP) properties of these five component types, exploring to what extent these properties correlate with each other, and how much they depend on the total galaxy stellar and dark matter halo masses. All galaxies contain a bulge, a stellar halo and a disc. In total, 60 per cent of objects host two discs (thin and thick), and 68 per cent host also a spheroid. The dynamical disc-to-total ratio does not depend on stellar mass, but the median rotational velocities of the two discs do. Thin discs are well separated in stellar ages, [Fe/H] and α-enhancement from the three dispersion-dominated components, while thick discs are in between. Except for thin discs, all components show correlations among their SP properties: older ages mean lower metallicities and larger α-enhancement. Finally, we quantify the weak dependence of SP properties on each component’s dynamics.



Horizon 2020


Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft



Durham University




Oxford University Press (OUP)


Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics

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