X-ray reprocessing in accreting pulsar GX 301-2 observed with Insight-HXMT
Ji L1ORCID, Doroshenko V12ORCID, Suleimanov V132, Santangelo A14, Orlandini M5ORCID, Liu J6, Ducci L17, Zhang S N48, Nabizadeh A9ORCID, Gavran D1, Zhang S4, Ge M Y4, Li X B4, Tao L4, Bu Q C41, Qu J L4, Lu F J4, Chen L10, Song L M48, Li T P4811, Xu Y P48, Cao X L4, Chen Y4, Liu C Z4, Cai C48, Chang Z4, Chen T X4, Chen Y P4, Cui W W4, Du Y Y4, Gao G H48, Gao H48, Gu Y D4, Guan J4, Guo C C48, Han D W4, Huang Y48, Huo J4, Jia S M4, Jiang W C4, Jin J4, Kong L D48, Li B4, Li C K4, Li G4, Li W4, Li X4, Li X F4, Li Z W4, Liang X H4, Liao J Y4, Liu B S4, Liu H X48, Liu H W4, Liu X J4, Lu X F4, Luo Q48, Luo T4, Ma R C48, Ma X4, Meng B4, Nang Y48, Nie J Y4, Ou G4, Ren X Q48, Sai N48, Song X Y4, Sun L4, Tan Y4, Tuo Y L48, Wang C48, Wang L J4, Wang P J48, Wang W S4, Wang Y S4, Wen X Y4, Wu B Y48, Wu B B4, Wu M4, Xiao G C48, Xiao S48, Xiong S L4, Yang R J12, Yang S4, Yang Yan-Ji4, Yang Yi-Jung4, Yi Q B413, Yin Q Q48, You Y48, Zhang F4, Zhang H M4, Zhang J4, Zhang P4, Zhang W48, Zhang W C4, Zhang Yi4, Zhang Y F4, Zhang Y H48, Zhao H S4, Zhao X F48, Zheng S J4, Zheng Y G412, Zhou D K48
1. Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik, Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics, Eberhard Karls Universität, Sand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany 2. Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya Str 84/32, Moscow 117997, Russia 3. Astronomy Department, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kremlevskaya str 18, 42008 Kazan, Russia 4. Key Laboratory for Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing 100049, China 5. INAF – Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio di Bologna, Via Piero Gobetti 101, I-40129 Bologna, Italy 6. Beijing Planetarium, 138 Xizhimenwai Road, Beijing 100044, China 7. ISDC Data Center for Astrophysics, Université de Genève, 16 chemin d’Écogia, CH-1290 Versoix, Switzerland 8. Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 9. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland 10. Department of Astronomy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100088, China 11. Department of Astronomy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 12. College of Physics Sciences & Technology, Hebei University, No. 180 Wusi Dong Road, Lian Chi District, Baoding City, Hebei Province 071002 China 13. School of Physics and Optoelectronics, Xiangtan University, Yuhu District, Xiangtan, Hunan 411105, China
We investigate the absorption and emission features in observations of GX 301-2 detected with Insight-HXMT/LE in 2017–2019. At different orbital phases, we found prominent Fe Kα, Kβ, and Ni Kα lines, as well as Compton shoulders and Fe K-shell absorption edges. These features are due to the X-ray reprocessing caused by the interaction between the radiation from the source and surrounding accretion material. According to the ratio of iron lines (Kα and Kβ), we infer the accretion material is in a low ionization state. We find an orbital-dependent local absorption column density, which has a large value and strong variability around the periastron. We explain its variability as a result of inhomogeneities of the accretion environment and/or instabilities of accretion processes. In addition, the variable local column density is correlated with the equivalent width of the iron Kα lines throughout the orbit, which suggests that the accretion material near the neutron star is spherically distributed.
Cancer Nurses Society of Australia Center for Advanced Study, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ministry of Science and Technology National Natural Science Foundation of China Russian Science Foundation Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
Oxford University Press (OUP)
Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics
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