1. Department of Nuclear Particle Physics, University of Geneva , CH-1211 , Switzerland
2. High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), Universität Stuttgart , D-70550 Stuttgart , Germany
3. Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, University Of Catania , Viale Andrea Doria 6, I-95125 Catania , Italy
4. Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences , Pyatnitskaya street, 48, 119017 Moscow , Russia
5. Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , 72, Tsarigradsko Shosse Boulevard, 1784 Sofia , Bulgaria
6. Institute of Theoretical Physics & Research Center of Gravitation, Lanzhou University , Lanzhou 730000 , China
7. Key Laboratory of Quantum Theory and Applications of MoE, Lanzhou University , Lanzhou 730000 , China
8. Lanzhou Center for Theoretical Physics & Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of Gansu Province, Lanzhou University , Lanzhou 730000 , China
9. Faculdade de Ciências, Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, Universidade de Lisboa , Ed. C8, Campo Grande, P-1769-016 Lisboa , Portugal