Project Hephaistos – II. Dyson sphere candidates from Gaia DR3, 2MASS, and WISE


Suazo Matías1ORCID,Zackrisson Erik12ORCID,Mahto Priyatam K3,Lundell Fabian1,Nettelblad Carl4ORCID,Korn Andreas J1,Wright Jason T567ORCID,Majumdar Suman38ORCID


1. Observational Astrophysics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University , Box 516, SE-751 20 Uppsala , Sweden

2. Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study , Linneanum, Thunbergsvägen, 2 SE-752 38 Uppsala , Sweden

3. Department of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology , Indore 453552 , India

4. Division of Scientific Computing, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University , SE-751 05 Uppsala , Sweden

5. Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, The Pennsylvania State University , University Park, PA 16802 , USA

6. Penn State Extraterrestrial Intelligence Center, The Pennsylvania State University , University Park, PA 16802 , USA

7. Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds, The Pennsylvania State University , University Park, PA 16802 , USA

8. Department of Physics, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College , London SW7 2AZ , UK


ABSTRACT The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is currently being pursued using multiple techniques and in different wavelength bands. Dyson spheres, megastructures that could be constructed by advanced civilizations to harness the radiation energy of their host stars, represent a potential technosignature, that in principle may be hiding in public data already collected as part of large astronomical surveys. In this study, we present a comprehensive search for partial Dyson spheres by analysing optical and infrared observations from Gaia, 2MASS, and WISE. We develop a pipeline that employs multiple filters to identify potential candidates and reject interlopers in a sample of five million objects, which incorporates a convolutional neural network to help identify confusion in WISE data. Finally, the pipeline identifies seven candidates deserving of further analysis. All of these objects are M-dwarfs, for which astrophysical phenomena cannot easily account for the observed infrared excess emission.


Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Magnus Bergvall Foundation

Ministry of Education

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Science Foundation

Australian Research Council


Oxford University Press (OUP)

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